If you like Robert Bly, Jim Harrison, Jill Bialosky, Ted Hughes, anyone who writes about nature and relationships and is a bit of a hopeful downer, then you’ll like Disappearing by the Math

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Jim Morrison sang that people are strange, when you’re a stranger. He wasn’t wrong. At 50, I realized that I didn’t recognize the middle aged me. The character that I had spent my 30’s and 40’s becoming wasn’t who I wanted to be. I was panicked by the fact that I had less future than past. I felt as if I was being squeezed into a funnel that was distorting not just the way that I experienced time, but my friends and family, my job, even nature. Everything was strange to me, and I felt that I was strange to everything. These poems are about the journey from one side of that warp to the to the other. I hope that they speak to you the way that they spoke to me as I was writing them.
